Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pro's and Con's to Multiple Locations When House Hunting

When it comes to buying a home, it may be someone's biggest life-time purchase, therefore, many facts come into play.  When considering buying a home, one should first speak with a lender to see what price range to shop in.  There are many lenders to choose from, but an example of someone is Rich Blanchard with Bank of Kansas City.  You can email him at  

Once a budget is determined, the next step would be to look at location.  Many people determine where they want to buy a home, based off of where they work, where their kids might go to school, where their family lives, where their friends live, where activities that they like seem to occur, etc.  Location can sometimes be a hard decision, but the budget usually helps narrow down the choices.  There will be pro's and con's to each location, so it really depends on the specific person and what he/she wants to live close to.

Many people chose to live near work because it is someplace that they go almost every day.  Limiting the drive time to work can sometimes mean more sleep, which is very important to some.  Living closer to work can also result in less transportation costs, such as fuel, wear and tear or vehicle, or even less bus fare.  As with everything in life, there are usually con's with the pro's.  A person may consider it a con to live close to work because they may be called in more, since they are close.  You might be pressured to work more, due to being so close.  You might even be the one who gets to stay late because you don't have to fight traffic to get home.  I'm sure there are many pro's and con's to living near work, so it really just depends on the person and their type of work.

As a parent, one of your first stops in the morning might be to drop off the kiddos at school.  Since that is the first destination, it might make sense to live closest to the school.  Choosing to live near the school could put you further from family, work, etc.  It again just hinges on each and every person making the decision.

Living near family can be great if you need assistance caring for kids or animals.  Family support can be nice!  On the other hand, some people do not want to live "too" close to family, as they are in fear of privacy and independence.  As always, every situation and person is different.

Friends can be fun to live by, but one will usually consider how much time they spend with these friends, which will help them determine if it's worth it to live near them.  If a person only hangs out with friends once a week, they may choose to live closer to work.  Money will usually help with this decision.

Another factor to consider when deciding on location is what the person likes to do during free time.  Does this person like to shop, eat out, run, walk, bike, go to concerts or sporting events.  A person might ask oneself if  living closer to those venues would be beneficial.  There are many pro's and con's to any location, so it's a good thing that most of us have a budget, which forces us to narrow down the location, forcing a decision.

Many of the above examples are more for those who live in the city.  If a person lived in a small town they might live within minutes of work, family, friends, entertainment etc.  There are many pros and cons to living in the city vs. living in a more rural setting, but that's to be discussed in a future post.  Please stay tuned for more random information on finding that nifty nest.

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